New range of dismantling joints in ductile iron
Available up to DN2600 in PN10 and 16, and up to DN1200 in PN25 26-02-2019
AVK’s range of dismantling joints is extended with new variants in ductile iron with fusion bonded epoxy coating and tie-rods of zinc plated and passivated steel 8.8. They are designed with three flanges connected with tie-rods, where the centre flange applies compression on the seal. The dismantling joints allow for 50 mm axial adjustment.
Please click on links for more information
- 873/00-001: PN10 and 16, DN40-2600
- 873/00-002: PN25, DN40-1200
Dismantling joints compensate for axial displacement of the pipe during installation and dismantling as the telescopic action between the inner and outer flange body allows for longitudinal adjustment.
Find our full range of dismantling joints in AVK International A/S' product finder.