Water Company reduces pump usage by 22 hours in a day by installation of ground breaking AVK Smart Water Pressure Management Device.
AVK Smart Water Trials Commence
Charleville is a small town located in Munster, the most southerly of Ireland’s four provinces. The Charleville water supply scheme that delivers water to the town and neighbouring area includes a covered distribution reservoir, uniform to thousands across the England. However, the reservoir is the location chosen by a major water supply company to install and test the AVK Smart Water PMD (Pressure Management Device). AVK believes it is the first PMD to be installed on this particular water network.

Plug and Play
The AVK Smart Water PMD is a ‘plug and play device’ which is capable of measuring pressure, flow discharge and level; it can be fitted to a wide variety of different valve types. In the case of reservoir, an AVK Series 879 dual-solenoid control valve is installed below ground. It is linked, via a ducted hydraulic drive, to the associated PMD and valve controls housed above ground in a stone-built booth some 20m away. The PMD has now been running successfully for over four months.
Energy Saving
Earlier to the installation of the AVK Smart Water PMD, the pumps at the Charleville reservoir had worked continuously 24/7 to maintain the reservoir at compete competence. Now, the reservoir inlet (the location of the control valve and PMD) is closed off to allow the water level in the reservoir to drop before the pumps are activated.
This has brought two major advantages:
Water quality has exalted due to tumid water turnover, and there have been immense energy savings as the pump’s work has been reduced by 22 hours per day.
It is projected there will also be a major impact on the lifecycle of the pumps.
Internet of Things
Whilst the reservoir is a closed-loop installation, the full benefit of smart water devices like the AVK Smart Water PMD are perceived when they are distributed across the water network. The calibre of smart water instruments to send and receive data and instructions via the Internet of Things (IoT) enables water companies to respond to network events in real time. It is envisaged that the AVK Smart Water PMD will be integrated into the water company’s SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system.
Smart Solutions
The AVK Smart Water PMD is just one of a portfolio of smart water network products being launched by AVK during 2020. It places AVK Smart Water in the vanguard of companies developing solutions for water companies in this frontier technology.